First Business Bank

About / Team

Kara Johnson

Tradeshow & Events Specialist

Kara Johnson

About Kara

Kara Johnson joined First Business Bank in 2022 as Tradeshow & Events Specialist with more than eight years of experience planning events of all types and sizes, primarily on the hotel side. She enjoys planning unique events that create excitement and keep attendees engaged. Kara earned a degree in hospitality with a certificate in meeting and events management from UW-Stout.

Kara, her husband, and their daughter live in McFarland, Wis., with their cat, Amolie. They enjoy hiking, visiting beaches, and spending time with family and friends.

Two individuals playing chess, one in a wheelchair. Their faces are pixelated for privacy. The setting is a cozy room with a bookshelf and soft furnishings.


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