First Business Bank

Specialty Finance

Specialized banking solutions developed with your needs in mind.
people casually meeting

Deepen Your Competitive Advantage

Accelerate business growth and achieve your short- and long-term business goals with specialty finance solutions. 

Growing your business is easier with specialty finance services.

Specialty Finance Services

Leverage our experience and your assets to propel your business forward.

Equipment Finance

Plan and manage equipment financing expenses or vendor finance strategies using our proprietary underwriting process that prioritizes quick decisions.

Asset-Based Lending

Leverage your business’s collateral to help with a turnaround, restructuring, acquisition, recapitalization, or rapid growth opportunity.

Accounts Receivable Financing

Convert your accounts receivable into cash at a pace that keeps up with your industry, competitors, and growth.

Floorplan Financing

Enjoy the concierge service you deserve from the automotive industry’s leading dependable, cost-competitive Floorplan Financing provider for top independent car dealers.

Specialized Service Gives You The Edge

At any other bank, your business would be one of hundreds — all treated using the same rulebook, the same processes, and all leading to the same result: mediocrity. 

We think your business deserves the attention and dedication only a true partnership provides. That’s why at First Business Bank, our clients always come first. 

shaking hands

Our People Help Your Business Achieve Peak Performance

Meet the experts who work with your business to provide creative, flexible financing solutions.

A Different Take On Banking

It’s not enough to provide Specialty Finance services — not when our clients have far more complex needs than simply securing a loan. By bringing you critical business insights on everything from financial data security to economic data analysis, we help you protect your business, make smart financial decisions, and take advantage of financial business opportunities.
Business Finance
Grow your business with business financial lending and service solutions.
Fraud Awareness
Protect your identity and business with the latest financial security protective measures.
Business Leadership
Identify strategic business trends working for peers in your industry.
Economic Data
Make smart decisions based on the latest economic trends and data.

Stay Up-To-Date On Specialty Finance

Find out how our industry experts are helping companies leverage specialty finance services to grow business.
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