First Business Bank

About / Team

Timothy Keane

Managing Investor and Director

  • Golden Angels Investors, LLC
Timothy Keane

About Timothy

Mr. Keane is the Managing Investor and Director of Golden Angels Investors, LLC, President of Keane Consultants, is a limited partner in several venture and private equity funds, and provides data analytics strategy consulting services to a small group of companies. He was the founder and CEO of Retail Target Marketing Systems (RTMS), now a unit of Fidelity Information Services. Mr. Keane serves on the boards of other privately held companies. Tim formerly served as a member of First Business Bank's Southeast Wisconsin & Kansas City Metro Advisory boards and as a board member of First Business Financial Services, Inc.


How To Use SBA Loans For Business Renovation And Construction

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Quarterly Banking Trends & Strategies Report

This report outlines key performance trends and strategic recommendations to help your bank capitalize on the improving banking environment.
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Ten-Year Capital Market Assumptions

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