When traditional bank loans aren’t an option, how do businesses increase liquidity so they can pay suppliers, employees, and continue to grow? Businesses in many industries turn to Accounts Receivable Financing — also known as factoring — and Asset-Based Lending to increase cash flow. These alternative financing strategies help startups, companies in turnaround mode, and many others with cash flow challenges to access the funds they need to thrive.
This episode of the First Business Bank Podcast overviews these two alternative financing solutions that boost working capital, discussing more in depth:
- Misconceptions about Accounts Receivable Financing & Asset-Based Lending
- Why companies choose these solutions to accomplish their goals
- Requirements for these two alternative financing solutions
- Recommendations to evaluate your company’s needs
These two alternative financing strategies are a natural progression of First Business Bank’s focus on providing specialized financial services for companies in all business stages. With in-depth experience in diverse industries, we also bring the advantage of a financial partner devoted to proactive client service. Reach out to us to learn more about Accounts Receivable Financing and Asset-Based Lending.