First Business Bank

About / Team

Kirk Gordon

Kansas City Advisory Board Member

Kirk Gordon

About Kirk

Kirk Gordon is Owner of Integrity Truck Sales, LLC, in Leawood, KS, and has 20 years of experience in the truck industry. He founded Integrity Truck Sales, LLC, a wholesale truck dealership in 2017, manages an office of four employees, mentors new sales associates, and developed and implemented a marketing plan. During 2019, Kirk started a retail truck dealership in Wilmer Texas. Kirk is a member of the Used Truck Association, First Call Alcohol/Drug Prevention & Recovery, Gold Sponsor of the Deron Cherry Foundation, 206 Fellowship, and contributes regularly to the Rainbow Center for Communicative Disorders, Answer the Call, A Call for Back-up, and many other organizations.
Two individuals playing chess, one in a wheelchair. Their faces are pixelated for privacy. The setting is a cozy room with a bookshelf and soft furnishings.


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