First Business Bank

About / Team

Ralph Kauten

Parent Company Board Member and First Business Bank Board Member

Ralph Kauten

About Ralph

Ralph R. Kauten has served as a director of First Business Financial Services, Inc. since December 2018 and is a member of the Audit Committee and Operational Risk Committee. He has served on the First Business Bank Board since July 2004 and served as First Business Bank Board Chair from June 2018 until November 2018. Mr. Kauten is the owner of Air-Lec Industries and co-owner of Mirus Bio, both private companies. Mr. Kauten served as an executive for a number of Wisconsin biotechnology companies, including Promega Corporation, PanVera Corporation, Quintessence Biosciences, Inc., and Lucigen Corporation. His prior positions include being a Faculty Member at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Plant Controller of the Ortega taco plant for Heublein, Inc., and Senior Auditor for Grant Thornton, CPAs. Mr. Kauten also serves on the boards of other private organizations.

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