First Business Bank

About / Team

Shami Dekelaita

Cash Applications - Team Lead - Accounts Receivable Financing

Shami Dekelaita

About Shami

Shami Dekelaita was promoted to Cash Applications – Team Lead for First Business Bank's Accounts Receivable Financing team in 2023. She has over 20 years of financial experience and has also earned the Compliance Officer/Title 31 Examination Administrator certificate. Shami has a bachelor's degree in Management from Northeastern IL University. 

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Factoring Vs. Line Of Credit

Learn the difference between factoring vs line of credit. Explore the criteria for both financing options to determine which is
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Why Cash Shortfalls Happen

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. Although it may seem obvious, cash shortfalls are the primary reason behind
belliot blog invoice financing


Boost Your Cash Flow with Invoice Financing

The other day I was explaining what I do to a group of relatives – none of whom are entrepreneurs.