First Business Bank

About / Team

W. Kent Lorenz

Parent Company Board Member and First Business Bank Board Member

W. Kent Lorenz

About W. Kent

W. Kent Lorenz has served as a director of First Business Financial Services, Inc. since June 2018 and serves on the Audit Committee and Operational Risk Committee. He has served as a director of First Business Bank since August 2017. He previously served on the First Business Bank-Milwaukee Board from January 2010 until the Bank charter consolidation in June 2017 at which time he became a member of First Business Bank’s Southeast Wisconsin Advisory Board from June 2017 to December 2021. Mr. Lorenz is the retired Chairman and CEO of Acieta LLC, a provider of advanced industrial robotic automation systems to North American manufacturers and their global affiliates. He is the Owner and Managing Director of Lakeside Consulting, LLC, a manufacturing and industrial automation consulting firm. Mr. Lorenz also serves on the boards of other private and non-profit organizations.

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