The bank built for business.
There’s a reason we’re called First Business Bank.
Founder Jerry Smith reinvented banking over 35 ago, launching a business-focused bank that addressed the unique needs of business owners.
By employing bankers and entrepreneurs, each with expertise in their clients’ business, Jerry sparked an idea that each of our now 350+ employees holds close. A client focus leads to expertise, which leads to client success. Your success.
Experience. The Advantage. Your Advantage.
This specialized approach to business banking created a foundation of expertise that continues to provide stable footing for us today.
While we’ve grown to a publicly traded company with over $3.5 billion in assets and expanded to include Private Wealth, Specialty Finance, and Bank Consulting, we’ve never wavered from our mission: be the experts our clients deserve.
We create value by living our values.
We want to create a wealth of good in the world.
Through signature events like our Charity Golf Invitationals, which are celebrating 15 years, we've channeled our success into more than $850,000 in support for organizations that strengthen our communities and help our neighbors thrive.
At First Business Bank, we take pride in actively participating in our communities. The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) ensures we provide fair access to credit and banking services for all, including those with lower incomes. We embrace this mission by making our CRA public file readily available, providing transparency so you can see how we uphold our commitment. When banks meet their obligations, it strengthens our local economies and creates opportunities for everyone.
Benchmarking our performance to continuously improve
With a mission to serve clients better than any other financial partner, we consistently prove our commitment by measuring client satisfaction and our Net Promoter Score (NPS). NPS measures how likely clients are to recommend First Business Bank on a scale of -100 to +100. Each year, an independent firm's survey confirms our client satisfaction and NPS scores significantly outperform top banks in banking and investments. We're ready when you are to show you how relationship banking truly powers client success.
We appreciate the awards and recognition we receive for our commitment to clients, employees, and the communities in which we live and work.
First Business Financial Services and FBIZ Stock
First Business Financial Services, Inc. (Nasdaq: FBIZ) is the proud parent company of First Business Bank, providing shared corporate services to the entire organization. Our investor relations site offers earnings releases, presentations, financials, and more.
As a business-focused bank working all day, every day with business leaders, we discuss what's effective in successful businesses through our reports, articles, case studies, and other informative resources.