Bank Information Reporting & Record Keeping
Get Accurate, Reliable Financial Reports From Any Device At Any Time
Business doesn't happen on a 9-to-5 schedule, so you need to access essential financial reporting around the clock.
First Business Bank makes it easy to access a wide range of reports through our Business Online Banking portal from any device.
All in one location, you'll see account activity, check images and returns, incoming wires, investment reporting, and cash flow forecasting. Even download your data in several formats for your accounting software or to use in presentations.
Conveniently Access Your Bank Information Reporting
With your information in one centralized location, it’s easy to pull loan statements, manage user access controls, and navigate to your digital banking tools through our business online platform.
Get A Connected Experience with Bank Information Reporting
Today, your business is integrated within the digital sphere. Stay on top of your accounts with our real-time bank information reporting digital tools.
Use the Mobile App
Deposit Payments

Secure Your Accounts with A Suite of Fraud Prevention Solutions
Protect your accounts. Secure your business.
Financial-related accounts are the number one target for cyber criminals. That’s why we provide a suite of security features and tools — from ACH Positive Pay to financial security insights.
Put your security first. With our fraud prevention solutions, you can set up dual controls, approve fraud exceptions on the go, and monitor account activity in real-time.
Get the First Business Bank Mobile App
Download the First Business Bank mobile app to start leveraging the benefits of digital banking today.
Check out our Quick Start guide — or visit your favorite app store to start simplifying Treasury Management with easy-access on your mobile devices.

Get More Bank Reporting & Record Keeping Insights
Explore blogs, articles, and news from First Business Bank’s team of experts. Make business decisions based on the latest data and insights

$324K Loss to Business Email Compromise Fraud

Managing Payment Fraud Risk: Business Fraud Protection
