First Business Bank

About / Team

Alan McAfee

Chief Banking Operations Officer

Alan McAfee

About Alan

Alan McAfee joined First Business Bank in 2014 with more than 10 years of experience in Treasury Management and banking. Since that time, Alan has held many leadership positions at First Business Bank and most recently was promoted to Chief Banking Operations Officer in May 2021. Previously, Alan held positions in retail banking, business relationship management, and Treasury Management sales and support.

During his tenure at First Business Bank, Alan led teams in Deposit Operations, Loan Operations, Treasury Management, Client Services, and Compliance. In his current role as Chief Banking Operations Officer he focuses on process improvement, technology initiatives to improve processes, and manages performance through metric driven conversations. Alan plays a key role in executing the company’s strategic plan.

Alan graduated from St. Olaf College with a bachelor’s degree in music education and received a master’s degree in architecture from University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee. He holds the Certified Treasury Professional (CTP) designation as well as the Accredited ACH Professional (AAP) designation.


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