When Alicia Anderson first told her family, friends, and coworkers she was going to rappel off a tall building in downtown Milwaukee, she remembers several were concerned and some even sounded skeptical.  

However, there was a small, core group who knew Alicia’s personal story and her motivation behind participating in the event — raising money to fight cancer — so it was easier for them to appreciate the passion and commitment driving her forward. 

MACC Fund Advocacy 

As Vice President – Treasury Management in First Business Bank’s Southeast Wisconsin office, Alicia Anderson, is a shining example of corporate leadership and community service. A staunch advocate for the Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer (MACC) Fund, she defies not only professional challenges but also literal heights to serve this important cause. 

Beyond her responsibilities at First Business Bank helping businesses and organizations streamline cash management and prevent fraud, Alicia holds an unyielding commitment to volunteerism, dedicating significant time and energy to advance the MACC Fund’s fight against childhood cancer and related blood disorders.  

Alicia has participated twice in the daring MACC Fund ‘Over The Edge’ fundraiser. In this adrenaline-inducing event, she rappels off a building nearly 150 feet tall, each descent symbolizing her determination to bring us closer to a world free from childhood cancer and related blood disorders. 

Driven By Personal Stories of Perseverance 

Alicia’s calling to support the MACC Fund is deeply personal. Inspired by her late father, Jeff Buttchen, who battled glioblastoma, and moved by the loss of young Mackenzie Clyde to medulloblastoma at just ten years old, Alicia channels grief into action.  

She also draws strength from the resilience of Hannah Raasch, a young warrior currently in active treatment for appendiceal cancer. Her relationships with these admirable people reinforce her commitment to the MACC Fund and serve as a constant reminder of the lives she’s fighting to save. 

Community Involvement 

Alicia’s advocacy extends beyond the MACC Fund to ‘Our Next Generation,’ serving as Treasurer, and actively volunteering at The Women’s Center, the Ronald McDonald House, Positively Pewaukee, Habitat for Humanity, and Homes For Our Troops. She’s also ambassador for the United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF) and the Vince Lombardi Cancer Foundation. 

Her commitment to these organizations was recognized during a Milwaukee Admirals game, where she was honored as a Hometown Hero, extending appreciation for her efforts to bring hope to families affected by childhood cancer and related blood disorders. 

Inspiring Action In Others 

Each year, Alicia takes center stage at the MACC Fund’s 'Designed to Inspire' fashion show, speaking candidly to over 500 attendees about the harsh realities of childhood cancer and related blood disorders. Alicia Anderson Standing at a desk She strives to communicate the magnitude of the financial and emotional impact that the diseases inflict upon families, shedding light on the punishing effects of cancer treatments. 

In her speeches, Alicia also brings forward an often-overlooked consequence of childhood cancer: "The world loses more than a life when a child dies from cancer," Alicia says, highlighting the profound potential each child possesses to become a leader, a philosopher, a teacher, a doctor, a scientist, or an artist. By not doing everything possible to save these children, the world is deprived of their potential brilliance. 

Emphasizing the global nature of the childhood cancer problem, Alicia calls for a unified response: "Childhood cancer is truly a problem that ultimately affects EVERY nation around the globe. Therefore, we MUST work together to make changes that will end suffering and death from childhood cancer in our lifetime." 

Supporting Corporate Social Responsibility 

Alicia sets an inspiring example, demonstrating how one person can inspire others to commit to  important causes. Her volunteer work with the MACC Fund and other organizations sends a powerful message about the importance of corporate social responsibility.  

Backed by the unwavering support of First Business Bank, Alicia’s volunteer mission not only demonstrates the bank’s commitment to its employees' passions but also models how businesses can help address societal challenges, bolstering their community impact. 

Through her tireless efforts, Alicia Anderson is more than just a vice president at First Business Bank. She's a community role model, a steadfast advocate for children affected by cancer and blood disorders, and a testament to the impact one person can make when they channel their strengths and passions towards a cause.  

Alicia also understands the importance of providing hope. Whether through her speeches, volunteer work, or the brave act of rappelling off a building for a fundraiser, Alicia's ultimate aim is to inspire and energize others, bringing hope to families and encouraging collective action to end childhood cancer and related blood disorders.